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In Fall 2020, community-based agencies partnered with DCYF and other City departments to implement the Community Hub Initiative, a Citywide, neighborhood-based strategy to support children, youth, and families with distance learning during the school year. Community Hubs provided in person support for students in grades K-12, with children and youth with high levels of need prioritized for registration.
The COVID-19 pandemic drove many grantees to shift their approach to meet the essential service needs of San Francisco children, youth, and families. DCYF categorized these shifts under the following categories: Basic Needs, Economic Stability, Education, Social Connection, and Wellness and Trauma. Additionally, many grantees began to deliver services online and through other remote formats to adhere to public health orders. As grantees rapidly pivoted their services during the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic, DCYF reduced its grantee reporting requirements and primarily tracked dates of service.
All grantees receive an Annual Fiscal and Compliance Monitoring visit from DCYF. The purpose of the visit is to help grantees improve the quality and consistency of fiscal and other compliance procedures. After the visit, DCYF rates the health of the grantee agency as Emerging, Developing, or Strong in order to identify and prioritize grantees for technical assistance and support. The chart below provides a summary of DCYF's rating of agency fiscal health across grantee agencies.
DCYF uses the Youth and School-Age Program Quality Assessments (PQAs) from the David P. Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality to assess grantee programs and identify staff training needs. The assessments are a central part of an iterative continuous improvement process promoted by the department that focuses on identifying program strengths and areas for improvement. Two key elements in the process that DCYF expected grantees to complete are Self Assessments and Program Improvement Plans.
DCYF paused implementation of the YPQA in FY2019-2020 and FY2020-2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
DCYF's performance measures are designed to assess grantees against the programmatic goals and requirements described in the department's Request for Proposals for 2018-24. The measures draw on information from a variety of sources, including but not limited to, the DCYF Contract Management System and Youth Experience Survey.
DCYF waived grantee performance measures for FY2019-2020 and FY2020-2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
DCYF's performance measures are designed to assess grantees against the programmatic goals and requirements described in the department's Request for Proposals for 2018-24. The measures draw on information from a variety of sources, including but not limited to, the DCYF Contract Management System and Youth Experience Survey.
DCYF recognizes that the 2018-19 results in some cases reflect start-up challenges associated with the first year of the funding cycle. DCYF considers 2018-19 a learning year for both the department and grantees and views the results as starting points for conversations and not definitive markers of performance. For a technical write-up of the results across all grantees, including a list of the measures excluded from reporting and adjustments to the measures going forward, please see this memo.